
Module 1: Understanding Breast Cancer

Understanding Breast Cancer
This animation explains what breast cancer is and how it develops. You can learn about the signs and symptoms to watch for, and the factors that can increase the risk for getting breast cancer. Breast cancer screening, diagnosis, and types of breast cancer are also explained. You can also learn about the different ways that breast cancer is treated – including surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapy, combination treatments, and clinical trials.
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Module 1: Understanding Metastatic Breast Cancer

Understanding Metastatic Breast Cancer
This animation explains what metastatic breast cancer is, the symptoms to watch for, and the wide variety of treatment options available. If you have metastatic breast cancer you will likely need to remain on treatment, unless you choose to stop it. Being diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer can be overwhelming. But many people continue to live long, productive lives with breast cancer in this stage due to advances in treatment.
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Module 1: Living Well with Metastatic Breast Cancer

Living Well with Metastatic Breast Cancer
This animation describes ways to live better with metastatic breast cancer, including looking after your physical, emotional, spiritual, and social health. You can learn about the benefits of healthy nutrition, regular exercise, counseling, complementary therapies and more, to help improve your quality of life and stay healthy during treatment. Every person’s circumstances are different. The best approach is the one that works for you.
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This educational activity has been developed by American Breast Cancer Foundation and Mechanisms in Medicine Inc.

This activity is supported by an independent educational grant from Pfizer and Genentech.

This website is part of the Animated Patient™ series developed by Mechanisms in Medicine Inc., to provide highly visual formats of learning for patients to improve their understanding, make informed decisions, and partner with their healthcare professionals for optimal outcomes.